Signs of Team Success

Your team has taken the Working Genius Assessment and has had conversations around practical implementation and understanding of each member of your team, but how do you know that your team is effectively using the Working Genius?

6 Signs You’re Harnessing the Power of Working Genius for your team!

  1. Working Genius is built into your team’s vocabulary and it is being used throughout the day. Your team can identify the 6 stages and where the team is at or identify what you are currently doing (I’m inventing right now or I need a discerner right now…etc).

  2. Know one another and can remember each other's geniuses. Teams that use this well remember one another’s type because they are using it daily. 

  3. Refer to what altitude the team is at when working together. Can recognize when “altitude sickness”or turbulence is taking place.

  4. People are leaning on each other and asking for help in areas of frustration. Giving each other space to do what they each do well. Asking and drawing people out to use their geniuses. 

  5. The team can identify where the gaps are and recruit out of that to help fill the gaps. Emphasize geniuses over job descriptions.

From Episode 29 in Working Genius Podcast - Table Group


Meetings: Working Genius Style


Valuing your Team’s Geniuses