Valuing your Team’s Geniuses

Everyone is encouraged differently and using the Working Genius model as a framework can give structure to help us understand ways that those around us are encouraging and discouraging. Depending on the areas of genius, one may be helped or hindered. Having language to communicate what is needed and knowing how to encourage your team is key to being a positive contributor or leader.

There’s a difference between being needy and being hungry. Craving is about hunger, not neediness. ~ Pat Lencioni


Encouraged by Consideration - people willing to engage with the questions and potential in the world.

Crushed by Dismissal or by a “Who Cares?” attitude - unwillingness to even consider potential.


Encouraged by Freedom - space that allows the free flow of ideas without limiting greenlighting.

Crushed by Constraint - only allowed to create within certain boundaries, around certain things or not allowed to create at all.


Encouraged by Trust - showing belief in their judgment and assessments.

Crushed by “Prove it” statements or obvious Distrust - having to fight to prove that their assessment is true.


Encouraged by Reaction- need to see and hear engagement of any kind, though preferably constructive.

Crushed by Apathy - when people don’t care or take time to respond or react.


Encouraged by Appreciation - others noticing or seeing the contribution being made and saying something.

Crushed by being Overlooked - the feeling of being taken for granted.


Encouraged by Clarity - know what is wanted and given permission to do it.

Crushed by Ambiguity - there is no clarity or finish line.

Adapted from the Working Genius Podcast:

Episode 38 - What Each Genius Craves


Signs of Team Success


Control: Yours or Mine