Organization & Team Health

  • Team Coaching

    Teams and individuals who know their gifts are more fulfilled, healthy, engaged and productive. Starting with the Working Genius assessment and focused conversation, teams are guided through the process of taking ownership of the contribution they make, empowering team-mates, building stronger connections and multiplying effectiveness. One time or on-going engagements aim to facilitate team, individual and organizational health.

  • Resourcing & Equipping

    Receive contextualized feedback, resources and content to fit the needs of each client by drawing from my experience in Human Resources and Education with start-ups, non-profits, corporate, educational and religious institutions and complementary training in advising, mental fitness, leadership development and team development to provide each client clear, tangible steps forward without anxiety.

Skilled in Coaching, Team Development, Training, Personnel Development, Problem Solving, Conflict Management, Small Business HR best practices, Communication, and Rapid Growth

Contact me to set up a complementary call and determine what will best meet the needs of your team, you or your organization!