Meetings: Working Genius Style

“Death by Meeting” is a leadership fable that just by the title many of us can relate to. Meetings don’t have to be that way though. Below are some of my favorite resources for having productive, fruitful and dare I say, shorter meetings.

Practice answering the following questions before scheduling a meeting. If you can’t answer them clearly and fully, don’t schedule a meeting.

    • What are we here to do?

    • Who needs to be at this meeting?

    • Who is the leader of this meeting?

During a meeting, are participants aware of at what “altitude” the meeting is being held and what geniuses are needed? The team can be asking: Are we regulating ourselves in this meeting? Are we using our geniuses at the appropriate times given where we are at in the process?

Here’s to a meeting revolution!

Recommended Podcasts:

Make Your Meetings Matter: Episode 30 - At the Table Podcast

The Genius of Meetings: Episode 4 - The Working Genius Podcast


Leadership Toolbox - questions for leaders to ask


Signs of Team Success