Checking In

While teaching a career course, I came across an exercise from Richard Bolles in his book, What Color is Your Parachute. Titled The 3 Ms, it offers a framework for considering where someone is at and where they want to be. I’ve added a few questions to the framework, but I appreciate the simplicity of 3 categories. Take a look and set aside some time to do a check in for professional and personal growth. The questions do take courage to answer honestly, but we all need a redirect sometimes. Press into the fear in a healthy way and don’t be afraid to get real with yourself, it could make all the difference.

The 3 Ms - Mission, Model and Mirror

Mission: What is my purpose in life? What do I have to offer that can make the world a better place - short-term, mid-term & long-term? What needs do I observe in the world around me that I am positioned to meet?

Model: Whom do I admire? Who are my role models? Who lives the kind of life I most want to live? What do they do to live that kind of life? What would I need to change to be able to live like that? Am I willing to make those changes?

Mirror: Am I the kind of person I want to be? If not, what needs to change? If yes, what do I need to do to make sure that continues? Are there ways I need to grow? What are there? How will I realistically pursue growing in those areas over the next 3, 6 or 9 months?


Curiousity In Conflict


6 Critical Questions