6 Critical Questions

In his book, The Advantage, Patrick Lencioni gives 6 questions that every team (I would also add family) needs to be able to answer from the top down in order to be in alignment and headed in the same direction. A valuable resource and tool for any leader to take time to think through.

Question 1: Why do we exist? Beyond making money or living

Question 2: What do we do? 3-5 verbs, communicating action

Question 3: How will we behave? A brief list of a few behavioral norms or core values

Question 4: How will we succeed? Simple, directional anchors that allow everyone to know how to make the best decisions

Question 5: What’s most important, right now? A rallying cry or a thematic goal that when accomplished collectively, advances the company or team

Question 6: Who does what? Clear roles and responsibilities that answer how each person contributes


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