Great Managers & Leaders

Great managers and leaders seem to be few and far between. They are out there, I know, but more often than not, the stories shared with me are of managers and leaders who cared more about advancing or protecting themselves than anything else.

While there are so many things that make a great leader, the image below captured several key and tangible examples of how managers/leaders can care well for the people under their umbrella of responsibility. Organizations, volunteer spaces and families all benefit from engaging with these topics in thoughtful ways.

Being clear on areas of responsibility, goals and expectations takes some thought work, but being the kind of leader that sets people up for success has both tangible and intangible benefits for everyone. It also means that there are times when the leader becomes the lightening rod that absorbs and deflects. While not enjoyable, it’s part of being a leader. Ignoring it does not make this part of the responsibilities just go away.

As a leader, the time spent clarifying, communicating and leading people well has immense payoff. Even if you don’t have the final say from an overall organizational perspective, you still get to set the tone for your area of the organization. Certainly in a time that companies are working hard to keep people, a little time identifying answers and communicating directly is a small price to pay.


6 Critical Questions


Working Genius and Altitude