Working Genius and Altitude

Have you ever walked away from a conversation, meeting or general interaction feeling a little foggy about what just happened? While there are many factors at play, one image from Working Genius that can give helpful and clarifying language involves Altitude.

Each genius operates at a different altitude (see below image) and we all gravitate to “our altitude” because that is most comfortable. A lack of awareness on our part can pull others to our altitude even if the situation does not call for it.

Without clarity, we can move all over the altitude scale in ways that cause confusion for everyone. Sometimes this movement is necessary, but stating where we are at can help to eliminate the confusion and reorient everyone involved. For example: should you be talking with someone about ideas they have around vacation and then immediately jump to making a to-do list for that potential vacation, your conversation shift could be equivalent to a 20,000 foot difference in altitude. Those large swings in “altitude” can create the feeling of disorientation and fogginess. Additionally, you may have just made a list for a vacation that can’t happen because Discernment, Galvanizing and Enablement were skipped.

Take a moment in conversations at work, in your home or with your friends to think about what “kind” of conversation this is and what genius might be needed right now. Save yourself and those around you from altitude sickness!


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