What is the Working Genius assessment?

The Working Genius model is an assessment that has been sweeping through organizations world-wide over the past several years. Developed by leadership expert Patrick Lencioni and his team at the Table Group, the model helps individuals and teams identify in what areas of a work or project cycle they find the most joy and fulfillment. When people are working most often in their areas of “genius”, they tend to be more energized, productive, fulfilled and engaged.

The model intentionally aims at measuring productivity and while personality is taken into account, it is not as heavily weighted as many other assessments. We like to say that the assessment measures 80% productivity and 20% personality. This matters because work is really about getting things done. When you can have the right people, in the right seats, working on the right parts of a job or project who are actively engaged because they are working out of places of energy, a team can expect more productivity and people are more fulfilled. 

I love using the model with individuals and teams! It is easy to understand and directly applicable to every context. After just a half day team debrief, I’ve seen teams make dynamic, positive shifts in their structure that change their trajectory in life-giving, energy creating, productivity enhancing ways. Those changes are not necessarily major job restructuring (though it has happened) or even changes to a culture, they often are simple adjustments to how people are spending their time and creating a shared, common, accessible language to communicate about getting things done.

Why did I become a certified facilitator with this model? Because I have seen its effectiveness and because it is a model that highlights the contributions we all have on a team and seeks to help teams work more effectively together for joy and flourishing. Let me know how I can help you or your team!

For more information: www.workinggenius.com


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